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Brand: ATP Lab

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Brand: ATP Lab

Cool Down

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Cool Down has been formulated to optimize your body's response to stress: Whether you are looking to improve recovery after exercise and increase "gains", optimize resting heart rate variability, reduce cortisol in the evening, decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, or simply relax after a hard day's work, Cool Down will help!

Metabolic Stress: Muscle catabolism is an important component of the metabolic response to stress and injury. The increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system and the release of cortisol (a catabolic signal) during exercise breaks down tissue to provide the energy substrates needed for a sustained workload. Although physical stress and catabolism are necessary stimuli for physical adaptation (gains in strength, power and muscularity), it is essential to limit this stress to the training period.

Psychological stress: We all face acute psychological stress on a day-to-day basis. But when acute psychological stressors become chronic, we run the risk of cortisol dysregulation, anxiety, insomnia and depressive symptoms.

How to use Cool Down:

To relieve general anxiety, cortisol dysregulation, mood problems and to improve sleep: 1-2 capsules at dinner and 1-2 capsules 60 minutes before bedtime.

-To promote better recovery on training days (evening workouts): 1 to 2 capsules with post-workout meal, and 1 to 2 capsules 60 minutes before bedtime.

- Cool Down is synergistic with ATP Lab AdrenRGY AM: For best results, take 3 capsules of AdrenRGY AM at breakfast with Cool Down (using the dosage described above).

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