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Brand: Tested Nutrition

Tested Tested Nutrition ZMA - ZN-MG-B6

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Tested ZN-MG-B6 Product Info
- Increase testosterone levels
- Deeper sleep
- Lowers cramping
- Proven to work with science
- Recover faster

Why take Tested ZN-MG-B6?

This product contains zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 formulated as a high quality ZMA. It’s shown to increase testosterone levels by up to 40%. Testosterone is possibly the most important building block for increasing muscle size. You should also find your sleep improve while taking ZMA.

How do I take Tested ZN-MG-B6?

You can take 3 caps on an empty stomach about 30 to 60 minutes before you go to bed. It works best if you don’t take it with dairy or calcium based products.

Tested Tested Nutrition ZMA - ZN-MG-B6 Tested Tested Nutrition ZMA - ZN-MG-B6